Killing Word
"To snuff out a life with a word... any so-called archmage who would pervert the art to such heresy is unworthy of the title." — Gambinster the Red
Temporal Bubble
Another glimpse into the forbidden grimoire...
Fooling Around with Trick Conflicts
One of the coolest features of the conflict system in Torchbearer is that it can be applied to almost any chaotic, dramatic scene— not just fights! However, many of the other conflict types receive a...
Building Better Golems
Learned scholars have long debated the process and efficacy of creating automata, artificial creatures capable of ambulation and decision making. Methods of both arcane and divine origin have been...
'Old School' New Schools
In Torchbearer— as in B/X Dungeons & Dragons— magic spells are highly self-contained things. They give you all the rules you need to use them, and they only very rarely note how they might...
Converting Monsters
Behold, a vision in my scrying orb... there are brave scholars who pray for guidance as they pore through the ancient tomes. Those calls shall not go unanswered.
The Answer to Your Prayers
I just finished editing some awesome upcoming Magician and Elf spells for our Kickstarter-funded, Zine Quest, Mordite Press presents: The Grind, a Torchbearer Zine. But what about the humble (or...
The Turns Before The Grind

Reflections on the adventurer life, for soon The Grind shall hit.
Actual Play: Floating Castle Ardmor, Part 1
Mordite Press is playing through Shane King’s adventure Floating Castle Ardmor, which is available for free under the Dungeoneers license. The adventure is still in its “alpha” playtesting phase, so...
Journey to the Dreaded Isle

When Luke Crane announced Kickstarter's Zine Quest back in November, we started kicking around ideas.
The Orc Warmonger
Mordite Press presents a new Torchbearer class for heartless players and GMs: the Orc Warmonger (PDF).
The Grind

Torchbearer RPG Zine Available Now in PDF
Master's Manual III: Versus Tests and Conflicts
In Part II, we discussed Obstacles and how to evaluate what obstacles were challenging for a given party. Today we're going to look at versus tests and monsters, and how to gauge just how dangerous a...
Master's Manual II: Obstacles
In Part I we discussed how skill and ability tests against obstacles are only a part of Torchbearer’s overall flow. A lot hangs on how the GM presents information to the players and the choices that...
Boss Monsters: They Have a Cave Troll...
Boss Monster battles offer interesting challenges for players and GMs. Players have to strategize a little differently and GMs have to juggle a few more pieces. Let's look at what these special rules...
Master's Manual: Pacing
The Torchbearer rulebook has solid advice on running the game, and I recommend periodically re-reading it as your Torchbearer campaign unfolds. Specific headings like Describe to Live and...
Otherworld Problems
As the Torchbearer rulebook helpfully explains, the magician is the most complicated class in the game. A close reading and mastery of the spell rules is necessary to get the most out of playing a...
GMing Pointers: an Example Play
GMing any game is an art form - requiring imagination and creativity. But when it comes down to it, running a Torchbearer game for the first time can be daunting.
Converting One-Page Dungeons
Most of the adventures I run in Torchbearer, both at home and at conventions, are drawn from one or two page adventures by a variety of authors. I’ve found that using small adventure locations helps...
Burning Questions and are Rules Made to be Broken
The guru awaits...
Iconics: Team Builds for Torchbearer RPG
I greet you, Legion of Chaons, and welcome back to Mordite Monday! This week I'm turning over command to D. Koch, author of Fearless and Freebooting and all-around classy guy. His formidable mission...
Nature Demystified
Nature is one of the most abstract rules in the Torchbearer RPG. You could, in theory, play many sessions without rolling it at all. Even so, a lot of the other mechanics hang from it, and once...
The Make-A-Lich Foundation
Some time ago, I presented Jared Sorensen (Memento Mori Theatricks) with a notion: his Specialist class rules should be used to enable depraved Torchbearer magicians and clerics to attain Lichdom.
Thouls and Thoblins
The most monstrous of holidays draws near, and so this Mordite Monday is a Monster! Following on Thor's example on the official Torchbearer Blog—which introduced and reproduced stat blocks for...
Dwarven thieves, half-orc paladins, dark elf striders; some adventurers become more than just an exemplar of their heritage. You’ve rebelled against your upbringing, taking on a profession that’s...
A Primer for the Torchbearer RPG
It’s been five years since the Kickstarter for the Torchbearer RPG. There have been a lot of developments since then, both through official BWHQ products and the open Torchbearer Sagas License. While...
Hail and Well Met!

A hooded stranger stumbles into the tavern from the rain-soaked streets bearing news of a quest. It slowly draws back its hood to reveal it's the Mordite Press Blog! Every Monday we'll post an...
Roost of the Condor Queen

A century ago, emissaries from Puku would travel into the kingdom of Feudor, offering priceless artifacts to trade and dispensing unique insights into the profound mysteries of the Otherworld. For a...
Fearless and Freebooting

Nine indispensable character classes for bravely plundering, raiding, and looting. Inspired by traditional Norse mythology. Suitable for any campaign, but designed especially for the Torchbearer...