Try as One Might
A comprehensive guide to Order of Might from Too Few Kobolds to Too Much to Handle.
Rewarding Gallows Humor
Adventurers in Torchbearer often find themselves in situations out of their control or beyond their capabilities. In those moments, when all else has failed, there is usually nothing left to do but...
The Bitter End
The simple rules for rope in Torchbearer’s gear chapter are perfectly suitable for most campaigns, but rope has a special place in the pantheon of adventuring gear. Just like torches and rations, a...
Puzzling Over Puzzle Conflicts
An example of custom conflicts and puzzles.
The Grind 2: Darkovia

All of Darkovia is a haunted place overrun with ghasts and vampires. Its ruler is a vampire lord who laments his immortality and suffers from secret rages that he takes out on the local population.
Heave Ho!
Have you been sitting around waiting for one of your friends to ask you to help them move? Well, wait no more. Using these advanced hauling rules, you can now get all the fun and excitement of moving...
Choose Wisely
A wise is an area of knowledge a character draws upon—often to correct a failure or point out something missed. Wises must have a narrow focus, but they represent a wealth of expertise.
List of Mail

Loyal followers, we have more projects in the works than ever! If you want to stay on top of the latest Mordite Monday posts, crowd-funding announcements and product releases, you should submit to...
The Grind Turn 2: Talk of the Town

The Kickstarter for The Grind Turn 2: Mistvale Nights is thriving. There's still time to support this spooky gothic horror gazetteer-style adventure! On this week's Mordite Monday, let me tell you a...
Seven-obstacle Dungeons
A simple method for creating obstacle-to-obstacle ecosystems.
Party Origins
Shared origins can bind a party together with a common cause beyond simply "meeting in a tavern." A common origin lets the players craft beliefs, goals, and instincts relating to others in the party,...
Beware the Expedition Impasse
The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild contains lots of new gear, monsters, and animals for wilderness adventures. But, the heart of the book revolves around a new custom conflict type called an...
The Vagrant's Guide: Nazdreg the Goblin Wolfrider
The Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild is now live! Over 140 pages of mounts, new classes, gear, spells and prayers, monsters... a little of everything...
The Vagrant's Guide: Qacha the Marauder
Mordite legions, today we launch our Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of mounts, new classes, gear, spells and prayers, monsters... a...
The Vagrant's Guide: Ramiro the Cavalier
Mark your calendars for Monday, October 7th. On that hallowed date, Mordite press will launch a Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of...
The Vagrant's Guide: Chira the Centaur Nomad
Mark your calendars for Monday October 7th. In one week, Mordite press will launch a Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of mounts, new...
Worsening Conditions
Experienced delvers know that Torchbearer's conditions are much more than a hit point meter. Each condition is a strategic restriction, an averted twist, a roleplaying cue, and experience points in...
Twist First
Let's discuss trap design and look at a trap from the lair of the nefarious Lich King of Mordeth. The Lich King has had centuries to build and perfect a series of traps to safeguard his tomb, and...
Animus (Intelligent Objects)
Certain magic items possess an animating spirit. These driven and often malevolent spirits work through magic to bring about their own goals, utilizing their mortal owners as pawns to this end.
Loyalty and Resentment
A new optional rule for managing advanced Torchbearer relationships.
Managing Resources - The Town Ability
A new 'bulk resources' rule for buying whole batches of items.
The Halfling Burglar provides the backbone for any adventuring party. As a support role, halflings make an adventurer's life easier, and experienced players appreciate a burglar in the mix.
Beren Sheets
Today, we are launching our Character Sheet Repo with the sheets for Beren levels 1 - 5.
Transmogrification 5TH CIRCLE SPELL (Vitalis) Tapping into the shared origins of all life, the vitalist rearranges muscle, bone, and sinew into the form of whatever creature suits their whims.
After you cast your spell(s), there's no need to sit and mope.
The Benefits of Leveling Up
Whether playing at a convention or firing up a one-shot adventure, there are times when you are looking for not only pre-generated characters but a pre-gen team.
Streams & Sand Wurms
MyNamesArt has been active in the Torchbearer community for a while now, and he's started streaming some Torchbearer content! Check out his Twitch here and give him a follow. In this installment, he...
The Triforce of Puzzle Dungeons
Puzzles are a staple of adventure and role-playing games. However, the design for a puzzle dungeon presents not-so-typical challenges. Fortunately, Torchbearer has systems, tactics, and mechanics...
Master's Manual V: NPC Stats
Previously in the Master's Manual we have explored how to balance a session, how to estimate the difficulty of obstacles, how to gauge the relative power of monsters, and how to make sense of unusual...
Picking a Character Class
Loot as if you were to die tomorrow. Level up as if you were to live forever. - The Adventurer Credo
Master's Manual IV: Narrating Conflicts
Conflicts handle a variety of pivotal moments in Torchbearer: arguments, contests, and struggles of will, daring chases or escapes, and more. While the rulebook thoroughly explores “Fight”-style...
Killing Word
"To snuff out a life with a word... any so-called archmage who would pervert the art to such heresy is unworthy of the title." — Gambinster the Red
Temporal Bubble
Another glimpse into the forbidden grimoire...
Fooling Around with Trick Conflicts
One of the coolest features of the conflict system in Torchbearer is that it can be applied to almost any chaotic, dramatic scene— not just fights! However, many of the other conflict types receive a...
Building Better Golems
Learned scholars have long debated the process and efficacy of creating automata, artificial creatures capable of ambulation and decision making. Methods of both arcane and divine origin have been...
'Old School' New Schools
In Torchbearer— as in B/X Dungeons & Dragons— magic spells are highly self-contained things. They give you all the rules you need to use them, and they only very rarely note how they might...