The Delver's Guide to Surviving the Underworld

The Delver's Guide to Surviving the Underworld is a FREE expansion to The Vagrant's Guide, brought to you by Jared Sorensen of Memento Mori Theatricks. If you backed the Kickstarter or bought a PDF...
The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild

The Vagrant’s Guide to Surviving the Wild is a Torchbearer Sagas supplement for travelers in the wilderness. The nearby ruins are now emptied—picked clean by freebooters and ne’er-do-wells who...
Beware the Expedition Impasse
The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild contains lots of new gear, monsters, and animals for wilderness adventures. But, the heart of the book revolves around a new custom conflict type called an...
The Vagrant's Guide: Nazdreg the Goblin Wolfrider
The Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild is now live! Over 140 pages of mounts, new classes, gear, spells and prayers, monsters... a little of everything...
The Vagrant's Guide: Qacha the Marauder
Mordite legions, today we launch our Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of mounts, new classes, gear, spells and prayers, monsters... a...
The Vagrant's Guide: Ramiro the Cavalier
Mark your calendars for Monday, October 7th. On that hallowed date, Mordite press will launch a Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of...
The Vagrant's Guide: Chira the Centaur Nomad
Mark your calendars for Monday October 7th. In one week, Mordite press will launch a Kickstarter campaign for our new book, The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild. Over 140 pages of mounts, new...