The Vagrant’s Guide to Surviving the Wild is a Torchbearer Sagas supplement for travelers in the wilderness. The nearby ruins are now emptied—picked clean by freebooters and ne’er-do-wells who improved their lot with plundered treasure. If you’re going to join their ranks, that means finding loot that nobody’s gotten to, and that means you’ve got a long slog ahead of you. 

The Vagrant's Guide to Surviving the Wild

  • Available on DriveThruRPG
  • 144 pages
  • Illustrated
  • Price: $15 PDF / $40 Print

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The Vagrant’s Guide contains:

  • A new conflict type for overland journeys: The Expedition
  • Four new character classes destined for life on the road
  • Nine new settlements, complete with town phase maps
  • Mounts and pack animals with a mind of their own
  • Dozens of new items, weapons, equipment, vehicles, and spells
  • Over 200 menacing threats to harry your players
  • 17 new full monster stat blocks, including trainable gryphons and drakes
  • 20 weird and wondrous magical items

And a sample adventure, Cake for the Countess, to tie it all together!



Check out these reviews:

 "A double handful of new town types and destinations, an assortment of new stocks and classes, an exciting alternate set of rules that breathe life into your mounts and make them more than just another boring piece of equipment. Every page of this book is a treasure trove."

— Dave J.

"If you want to expand your torchbearer game into a greater world, and create the same grit and danger as the dungeons, this is the book to buy. "

— Brant M.

"Fantastic addition to a fantastic RPG. Well worth the price."

— Shane E.

Buy it on DriveThruRPG and you'll also get the free expansion, The Delver's Guide to Surviving the Underworld by Jared Sorensen of Memento Mori Theatricks!


Limited-edition print copies and a PDF version are available now that the Kickstarter backers have received their copies.

View the Kickstarter Campaign

Further Reading


Topics: Products, Vagrant's Guide, Torchbearer, Torchbearer Sagas